The design brief

Why it’s so important to get the detail right, straight from the start


The why, what, how and who!

Before we start any project we need to fully understand what your creative objectives are. This will be essential to ensure your project is successful. Never assume we are mind readers or ‘we know, what you want’. 

If you are not used to working with a designer, or even if you are an experienced marketeer, this helpful guide will show you what is expected out of both parties. Provide as much information as possible. Remember, the devil is in the detail! 

TCS Creative Brief Guidelines FINAL-1.jpg

By following this guide, you can…

  • understand our working process, which will…

  • make your project run as smoothly as possible 

  • allow us to achieve our best work for you

  • complete the project on time 

  • and (most importantly) on budget!


Our Christmas gift to you… and a chance to win a bottle of bubbly!


10 things you can do to improve your digital marketing for 2021.